Nichirei Group Materiality

KPIs for Material Matters

KPIs for Material Matters

In 2021, we set Group targets for 2030, consisting of measures and KPIs for initiatives for the Group’s material matters.
Medium-term Business Plan Compass Rose 2024, which began in FY2023, sets Group KPIs for FY2025 as milestones on the road to 2030, as well as measures and quantitative targets for the holding company and each operating company. We aim to achieve our targets by continuously monitoring KPIs and carrying out the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle.

Nichirei Group Material Matters Group Targets (KPIs) FY2023
FY2024 Plan FY2025
Main Operating Companies Involved
Creating new value in food and health*1 Sales of products and services that create added value for people’s mental and physical health and the global environment ¥46.4 billion - ¥60.0 billion ¥140.0 billion
  • Nichirei Foods
  • Nichirei Fresh
  • Nichirei (Holding Company)
People provided with information for good eating habits and health (total number of people per year) 103 million - - 200 million
Strengthening food processing and production technology capabilities; enhancing logistics services EBITDA margin 8%  9% 10% 12%
  • Nichirei Foods
  • Nichirei Logistics Group
  • Nichirei Fresh
  • Note:FY2022 figure is CAGR for FY2020-FY2022. FY2025 figure is CAGR for FY2023-FY2025. FY2031 figure is CAGR for FY2026-FY2031.
5%  7% 7% 7% or higher
Overseas sales ratio 20%  21% 20% 30%
Realizing sustainable food procurement and resources recycling Rate of procurement from suppliers and OEMs that comply with the Nichirei Group Supplier Code of Conduct and Supplier Guidelines Support rate 89%
(main domestic suppliers and OEMs)
 Support rate 100%
(main domestic suppliers and OEMs)
Support rate 100%
(main domestic and overseas suppliers and OEMs)
Procurement rate
  • Nichirei Foods
  • Nichirei Logistics Group
  • Nichirei Fresh
  • Nichirei Biosciences
Rate of implementation of ESG due diligence for main raw materials and major suppliers Domestic meat and poultry 25%
(main suppliers and OEMs)
 Domestic meat and poultry 50%
(main suppliers and OEMs)
Domestic meat, poultry, and marine products 100%
(main suppliers and OEMs)
Rate of attendance for the SDGs educational program aimed at realizing a circular economy -  Start educational program 100%
(managers or above)
(all employees)
Rate of waste recycling at all sites 99%  99% 99% 99%
Procurement ratio of sustainable marine products in accordance with the guideline*2 91%  95% 100% 100%
Procurement ratio of MSC and ASC products*2 19%  19% 32% 50%
Procurement ratio of sustainable Palm oil (RSPO)*2
  • *Certified Palm Oil means RSPO certified Palm Oil (Mass Balance and Segregation)
(book and claim)
(book and claim)
(book and claim)
(certified oil)
Conduct water-related risk assessments at all sites - Conduct a survey using a simple questionnaire format Conduct in
Conduct regular
water-related risk
assessments at all sites,
as well as in conservation
activities and the BCP
Climate change initiatives Reduction in CO₂ emissions
(Compared with FY2016; Scope 1 and 2 in Japan)
-25% -27% -30% -50%
  • Nichirei Foods
  • Nichirei Logistics Group
Rate of conversion to natural refrigerants
Production equipment in Japan
56% 69% 80% 100%
Rate of conversion to natural refrigerants
Logistics (Global)
58% 60% 62% 75%
Securing and developing a diverse array of human resources Ratio of female directors and female Audit & Supervisory Board members(HD*)
  • *HD:Nichirei Corporation (Holding Company)
13% 13% 20% or higher 30% or higher
  • Nichirei Foods
  • Nichirei Logistics Group
  • Nichirei Fresh
  • Nichirei Biosciences
  • Nichirei (Holding Company)
Ratio of female line managers (HD*) 15% 18% 20% 30%
Investment in human resources
(Compared with the average annual investment in human resources in FY2019-FY2021)
1.2 times 1.5 times 1.7 times 2.0 times
  • *1The vision for 2030, Group measures and Group targets and KPIs for FY2031 for material matter 1, “Creating new value in food and health,” were revised by the Board of Directors of Nichirei Corporation on July 18, 2023.
  • *2For material matter 3, “Realizing sustainable food procurement and a circular economy,” in April 2023 the Nichirei Group established procurement guidelines for marine products and palm oil, which are important food resources underpinning its business activities, and added related Group targets and KPIs.
Nicihrei Corporation, Strategic Planning, Nichirei Corporation, Quality Assurance Division, Nichirei Corporation, Technology Management, Nichirei Corporation, Corporate Internal Audit, Nichirei Corporation, Corporate Supervise, Nichirei Corporation, Legal Affairs, Nichirei Corporation, Human Resources Strategy & General Affairs, Nichirei Corporation, Finance & Investor Relations, Nichirei Corporation, Accounting & Tax, Nichirei Corporation, Group Communication, Nichirei Foods Inc., Nichirei Fresh Inc., Nichirei Logistics Group Inc., Nichirei Biosciences Inc., Hitachi Foods & Logistics Systems,Inc., NIchirei Bisiness Partners .inc