ESG Data

ESG Data

Environmental Data

Note: Fiscal years (FY) indicate years ended March 31.

Group Medium-term Environmental Plan Targets
Group Environmental Goals for FY2023-2025
Rate of waste recycling at all sites 99%
Water-related risk assessments at all sites conducted in FY2024
Reduction in CO₂ emissions(compared with FY2016; Scope 1 and 2 in Japan) -30%
Rate of conversion to natural refrigerants Production equipment in Japan 80%
Rate of conversion to natural refrigerants Logistics (Global) 62%

Engaged in collecting environmental data at overseas work

Group Environmental Goals for FY2020-2022
Reduction of CO₂ Emissions "Maintain" total CO₂ emissions in FY2022 at the FY 2014 level.
  • *Electricity coefficient: Fixed at the FY 2014 coefficient
Maintaining Waste Recycling Rate and Controlling Waste Discharging
  • Maintain 99% or more recycling rate of waste generated from food factories and distribution centers
  • Reduction of animal and vegetable residues (food factories in Japan)
Water Resource Conservation Through efficient water use for sustainable water use, taking into consideration environmental circumstances surrounding water in each region,Work to conserve water resources (domestic food plants).

Engaged in collecting data regarding the environment at overseas worksites

Nichirei Group CO₂ Emissions
  Unit FY2016 base year FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Domestic SCOPE 1 emissions Thousand tons of CO₂ 43 43 42 42 43 44
SCOPE 2 emissions (Market standard)*1 243 215 199 182 185 172
SCOPE 1 and 2 emissions (Total)*2 286 259 241 224 228 216
Overseas SCOPE 1 emissions Thousand tons of CO₂ 34
SCOPE 2 emissions (Market standard)*1 89
SCOPE 1 and 2 emissions (Total)*2 123
CO₂ Emissions Intensity
  Unit FY2016 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
SCOPE 1 and 2 emissions intensity (per ton of production)*3 tons CO₂ 0.54 0.46 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.41
  • *1CO₂ emissions factors for electricity: Emissions factor after adjustment of the emissions factor by electric utility (Ministry of the Environment).
  • *2Totals may not add up due to individual rounding off.
  • *3The emission intensity per ton of production covers Nichirei Foods (domestic self-managed factories and affiliated factories) and Nichirei Fresh (domestic affiliated factories).
    Excluding the following plants
    Nichirei Foods: Nichirei Ice Inc.
    Nichirei Fresh: Nichirei Fresh Farm Inc., Fresh Chicken Karumai Inc., FRESH MEAT SAKUDAIRA Inc.
Nichirei Group Amount of Discharged Waste and Recycling Rates
  Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Amount of discharged waste 1,000 tons 45.4 47.9 47.1 47.9 43.4
Recycling Rates % 99.5 99.4 98.7 98.9 99.5
Energy Consumption
  Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Energy Consumption MWh 675,147
Nichirei Group Material Balance INPUT
Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Energy Total*1 1,000 GJ 5,107 5,079 5,024 4,925 5,117
Purchased power 1,000 kWh 447,277 444,335 439,135 471,952 444,004
Heavy oil kl 2,609 1,926 1,850 1,935 1,859
Kerosene kl 173 192 195 194 182
City gas 1,000m3 7,142 9,036 9,328 9,708 9,823
LGP tons 4,814 3,614 3,425 3,522 3,687
Gasoline (Company-owned vehicles) kl 402 322 273 285 286
Light oil (Company-owned vehicles) kl 1,556 1,452 1,522 1,388 1,504
Solar power generation 1,000 kWh 1,444 2,068 2,149 2,974 3,247
Breakdown of energy (1,000 GJ) used at each business company Nichirei Foods 1,000 GJ 1,761 1,759 1,793 1,859 1,921
Nichirei Fresh 1,000 GJ 173 172 174 174 166
Nichirei Logistics Group 1,000 GJ 3,089 3,046 2,966 2,812 2,952
Nichirei Biosciences 1,000 GJ 12 33 30 22 19
Others 1,000 GJ 72 69 61 58 58
Water Total 1,000m3 4,117 4,028 3,929 3,834 3,932
Clean water 1,000m3 1,267 1,238 1,174 1,134 1,123
Industrial water 1,000m3 907 897 916 919 875
Groundwater (well water) 1,000m3 1,943 1,893 1,839 1,782 1,933
Breakdown of water (1,000 m3) used at each business company Nichirei Foods 1,000m3 2,812 2,739 2,679 2,676 2,767
Nichirei Fresh 1,000m3 322 318 338 330 312
Nichirei Logistics Group 1,000m3 963 952 899 816 839
Nichirei Biosciences 1,000m3 6 8 7 6 5
Others 1,000m3 13 11 6 7 10
  • *Total figures may differ due to rounding.
  • *1Calculated by primary energy conversion factor at Act on the Rational Use of Energy
Nichirei Group Material Balance OUTPUT
Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Waste Amount of Discharged Waste 1,000 tons 45.4 47.9 47.1 47.9 43.4
Recycle volume 1,000 tons 45.2 47.6 46.5 47.4 43.1
Volume of waste for final disposal*1 1,000 tons 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.2
Breakdown of discharged waste (tons) at each business company Nichirei Foods tons 18,155 21,561 21,145 21,280 20,784
Nichirei Fresh tons 13,973 13,609 13,887 14,188 11,257
Nichirei Logistics Group tons 13,236 12,666 11,962 12,246 11,196
Nichirei Biosciences tons 44 72 103 170 119
Others tons
Atmospheric system CO₂*2 1,000 tons 259 241 224 228 216
SOx*3 tons 3 3 2 3 2
Breakdown of CO₂ emissions (tons) at each business company Nichirei Foods tons 90,413 84,427 79,060 82,322 81,765
Nichirei Fresh tons 9,430 9,458 9,433 9,009 8,525
Nichirei Logistics Group tons 154,971 142,561 132,931 134,380 123,411
Nichirei Biosciences tons 553 1,526 1,380 1,011 896
Others tons 3,417 3,201 1,501 1,343 1,319
Water system Drainage 1,000m3 2,421 2,398 2,461 2,403 2,620
Sewer system 1,000m3 1,464 1,447 1,478 1,431 1,633
Public water area (river etc.) 1,000m3 957 951 983 973 987
Drainage load BOD*4 tons 48 49 52 68 76
COD*4 tons 24 23 40 21 25
Breakdown of drainage (1,000 m3) at each business company Nichirei Foods 1,000m3 1,751 1,752 1,798 1,783 1,957
Nichirei Fresh 1,000m3 308 309 325 316 294
Nichirei Logistics Group 1,000m3 343 317 308 291 355
Nichirei Biosciences 1,000m3 6 8 6 6 5
Others 1,000m3 14 12 24 8 9
  • *Total figures may differ due to rounding.
  • *1Within waste discharged, the volume of waste directly disposed of in landfills and simply incinerated not to be used as energy source.
  • *2Calculations based on laws related to global warming countermeasures.
  • *3Measurement implemented for facilities emitting soot and smoke. Does not include vehicle emissions
  • *4Calculates amount of emissions only in cases where drainage concentration measurements are conducted.
Nichirei Group specially Controlled Industrial Waste
  Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Specially Controlled Industrial Waste specified in the “Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law” t 9.3 7.4 4.3 7.0 2.9
Status of Environment-related Incidents, Legal Violations
  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Domestic 0 0 0 0 0
Overseas 0 0 0 0 0
Solar Power Generation and CO₂ Reduction
  Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Power generation Mwh 1,444 2,068 2,149 2,974 3,201
CO₂ reduction t 765 1,003 986 1,408 1,429
Management of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Substances
  Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Substances subject to reporting under the PRTR Law* (handled in quantities of 1 ton or more) tons 0 0 0 0 0
  • *The laws concerning the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register refer to the collection and publication of data related to the release into the environment of chemicals, from any source, which could possibly adversely affect the lives, growth, or development of humans, animals, or plants.
SOx Emissions
  Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
SOx Emissions tons 3 3 2 3 2
  • *Facilities where measurements of smoke and soot are taken. Not including emissions derived from vehicles.
*Applicable Worksites

The scope of the Nichirei Group (in Japan), which accounts for more than 99% of the environmental impact, is tabulated.
The following company food plants and distribution centers are included in the calculations. In the event of multiple worksites, the number is indicated in parenthesis.

Nichirei Foods

Nichirei-Foods (9), Nichirei Ice (3), Churei, Kyurei, Nichirei Well Dinning

Nichirei Fresh

Fresh Maruichi (3), Nichirei Fresh Process (2), Nichirei Fresh Farm (2), Fresh Chicken Karumai, Fresh Meat Sakudaira

Nichirei Logistics Group

Logistics Network (40), NK Trans (4), Nichirei Logistics Hokkaido (8), Nichirei Logistics Tohoku (5), Nichirei Logistics Kanto (10), Nichirei Logistics Tokai (11), Nichirei Logistics Kansai (13), Nichirei Logistics Chushikoku (15), Nichirei Logistics Kyushu (15), Kyokurei (3)

Nichirei Biosciences

Global Innovation Center


New Housing

Nicihrei Corporation, Strategic Planning, Nichirei Corporation, Quality Assurance Division, Nichirei Corporation, Technology Management, Nichirei Corporation, Corporate Internal Audit, Nichirei Corporation, Corporate Supervise, Nichirei Corporation, Legal Affairs, Nichirei Corporation, Human Resources Strategy & General Affairs, Nichirei Corporation, Finance & Investor Relations, Nichirei Corporation, Accounting & Tax, Nichirei Corporation, Group Communication, Nichirei Foods Inc., Nichirei Fresh Inc., Nichirei Logistics Group Inc., Nichirei Biosciences Inc., Hitachi Foods & Logistics Systems,Inc., NIchirei Bisiness Partners .inc

Social Data

Note: Fiscal years (FY) indicate years ended March 31.

Number of Employees
Coverage Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Executives and employees total Number of people 6,002 5,943 5,994 5,926 5,983
Breakdown Male 3,748 3,729 3,753 3,722 3,760
Female 2,254 2,214 2,241 2,204 2,223
Number of executives 62 62 61 60 62
Breakdown Male 60 60 58 56 59
Female 2 2 3 4 3
Number of company employees 3,782 3,841 3,903 3,937 3,946
Breakdown Male 2,789 2,779 2,787 2,776 2,766
Female 993 1,062 1,116 1,161 1,180
【Number of employees in management positions】 1,309 1,335 1,362 1,378 1,382
Breakdown Male 1,216 1,215 1,222 1,218 1,211
Female 93 120 140 160 171
【Number of general employees】 2,473 2,506 2,541 2,559 2,564
Breakdown Male 1,573 1,564 1,565 1,558 1,555
Female 900 942 976 1,001 1,009
Number of staff other than employees 2,158 2,040 2,030 1,929 1,975
Breakdown Male 899 890 908 890 935
Female 1,259 1,150 1,122 1,039 1,040
Nichirei holding company Executives and employees total 252 252 254 268 292
Breakdown Male 148 153 151 151 161
Female 104 99 103 117 131
Number of executives 19 19 19 19 19
Breakdown Male 17 17 17 16 17
Female 2 2 2 3 2
Number of company employees 187 214 218 226 245
Breakdown Male 122 123 124 124 130
Female 65 91 94 102 115
【Number of employees in management positions】 112 116 112 116 129
Breakdown Male 85 87 85 87 94
Female 27 29 27 29 35
【Number of general employees】 75 98 106 110 116
Breakdown Male 37 36 39 37 36
Female 38 62 67 73 80
Number of staff other than employees 46 19 17 23 28
Breakdown Male 9 13 10 11 14
Female 37 6 7 12 14
Nichirei Foods Executives and employees total 3,054 3,010 3,023 3,039 3,097
Breakdown Male 1,821 1,816 1,834 1,826 1,885
Female 1,233 1,194 1,189 1,213 1,212
Number of executives 12 11 10 9 12
Breakdown Male 12 11 9 8 11
Female 0 0 1 1 1
Number of company employees 1,524 1,505 1,528 1,541 1,559
Breakdown Male 1,134 1,114 1,118 1,114 1,129
Female 390 391 410 427 430
【Number of employees in management positions】 532 525 536 555 562
Breakdown Male 497 487 494 499 502
Female 35 38 42 56 60
【Number of general employees】 992 980 992 986 997
Breakdown Male 637 627 624 615 627
Female 355 353 368 371 370
Number of staff other than employees 1,518 1,494 1,485 1,489 1,526
Breakdown Male 675 691 707 704 745
Female 843 803 778 785 781
Nichirei Fresh Executives and employees total 315 315 319 318 299
Breakdown Male 228 225 223 222 206
Female 87 90 96 96 93
Number of executives 9 10 10 10 11
Breakdown Male 9 10 10 10 11
Female 0 0 0 0 0
Number of company employees 256 267 271 272 261
Breakdown Male 197 200 198 197 181
Female 59 67 73 75 80
【Number of employees in management positions】 149 155 158 149 140
Breakdown Male 142 143 143 138 129
Female 7 12 15 11 11
【Number of general employees】 107 112 113 123 121
Breakdown Male 55 57 55 59 52
Female 52 55 58 64 69
Number of staff other than employees 50 38 38 36 27
Breakdown Male 22 15 15 15 14
Female 28 23 23 21 13
Nichirei Logistics Group Executives and employees total 2,252 2,226 2,253 2,168 2,169
Breakdown Male 1,488 1,466 1,475 1,460 1,447
Female 764 760 778 708 722
Number of executives 16 16 16 18 16
Breakdown Male 16 16 16 18 16
Female 0 0 0 0 0
Number of company employees 1,738 1,769 1,798 1,821 1,815
Breakdown Male 1,287 1,289 1,294 1,294 1,282
Female 451 480 504 527 533
【Number of employees in management positions】 479 499 513 515 511
Breakdown Male 464 469 470 464 456
Female 15 30 43 51 55
【Number of general employees】 1,259 1,270 1,285 1,306 1,304
Breakdown Male 823 820 824 830 826
Female 436 450 461 476 478
Number of staff other than employees 498 441 439 329 338
Breakdown Male 185 161 165 148 149
Female 313 280 274 181 189
Nichirei Biosciences Executives and employees total 129 140 145 133 126
Breakdown Male 63 69 70 63 61
Female 66 71 75 70 65
Number of executives 6 6 6 4 4
Breakdown Male 6 6 6 4 4
Female 0 0 0 0 0
Number of company employees 77 86 88 77 66
Breakdown Male 49 53 53 47 44
Female 28 33 35 30 22
【Number of employees in management positions】 37 40 43 43 40
Breakdown Male 28 29 30 30 30
Female 9 11 13 13 10
【Number of general employees】 40 46 45 34 26
Breakdown Male 21 24 23 17 14
Female 19 22 22 17 12
Number of staff other than employees 46 48 51 52 56
Breakdown Male 8 10 11 12 13
Female 38 38 40 40 43
  • *Staff other than employees: Includes temporary employees, contract employees, fixed-term employees and part-time employees; excludes dispatched employees
  • *Employee-related Data applies to employees working at the following 15 companies (FY2023)
  1. Nichirei Corporation
  2. Nichirei Foods
  3. Nichirei Fresh
  4. Nichirei Logistics Group
  5. Logistics Network
  6. Nichirei Logistics Hokkaido
  7. Nichirei Logistics Tohoku
  8. Nichirei Logistics Kanto
  9. Nichirei Logistics Tokai
  10. Nichirei Logistics Kansai
  11. Nichirei Logistics Chushikoku
  12. Nichirei Logistics Kyushu
  13. Kyokurei Operation
  14. Nichirei Logistics Engineering
  15. Nichirei Biosciences
Percentage of Non-company Employees
  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of company employees 3,782 3,841 3,903 3,937 3,946
Number of non-company employees 2,158 2,040 2,030 1,929 1,975
Percentage of non-company employees (%) 36.3 34.7 34.2 32.9 33.4
  • *Non-company Employees: includes temporary employees, contract employees, contract employees, part-time employees, and part-time employees, excluding temporary employees.
Female Managers Ratio
Coverage Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total % 7.1 9.0 10.3 11.6 12.4
Nichirei holding company 24.1 25.0 24.1 25.0 27.1
Nichirei Foods 6.6 7.2 7.8 10.1 10.7
Nichirei Fresh 4.7 7.7 9.5 7.4 7.9
Nichirei Logistics Group 3.1 6.0 8.4 9.9 10.8
Nichirei Biosciences 24.3 27.5 30.2 30.2 25.0
  • *Applicability: Employees
Percentage of Female Employees in Management Positions
Coverage Unit FY2023
Nichirei holding company % 15.0
Nichirei Foods Inc. 5.3
Nichirei Fresh Inc. 4.5
Nichirei Logistics Group Inc. 5.9
Nichirei Biosciences Inc. 30.0
  • * Calculated in accordance with regulations of Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No. 64, 2015)
Average Age
Coverage Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Breakdown Male Age 42.1 42.3 42.5 42.7 42.9
Female 39.8 39.9 40.0 40.1 40.5
Nichirei holding company Male 44.1 44.2 44.1 44.5 44.7
Female 43.1 44.5 44.6 44.0 43.3
Nichirei Foods Male 42.5 42.8 43.1 43.6 43.7
Female 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.6 41.9
Nichirei Fresh Male 42.6 42.7 42.9 42.8 43.1
Female 41.2 41.5 41.4 42.2 42.9
Nichirei Logistics Group Male 41.6 41.6 41.8 42.0 43.0
Female 37.9 37.8 37.9 38.1 38.6
Nichirei Biosciences Male 40.7 40.9 40.7 40.7 40.2
Female 36.7 36.2 36.6 37.7 39.8
  • *Applicability: Employees
  • *There may be differences between the year in which calculations began and the year that an employee joined the Company due to factors including the merger or separation of the company to which they are assigned and employee promotions.
Average Number of Years Employed
Coverage Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Breakdown Male Year 16.7 17.0 17.3 17.5 17.7
Female 15.7 15.3 15.4 15.4 15.7
Nichirei holding company Male 19.1 19.0 19.0 19.4 18.9
Female 18.5 15.8 16.8 16.0 17.1
Nichirei Foods Male 17.7 18.0 18.4 18.8 19.0
Female 16.7 16.8 16.8 16.8 17.7
Nichirei Fresh Male 18.4 18.4 18.7 18.6 19.0
Female 18.6 18.0 17.4 17.7 17.7
Nichirei Logistics Group Male 15.9 15.9 16.1 16.3 16.6
Female 14.3 13.9 14.0 14.1 14.4
Nichirei Biosciences Male 15.3 15.2 15.0 14.7 13.5
Female 12.1 11.7 12.3 13.1 15.3
  • *Applicability: Employees
  • *There may be differences between the year in which calculations began and the year that an employee joined the Company due to factors including the merger or separation of the company to which they are assigned and employee promotions.
Number of Employees Hired (new graduates, mid-career)
Coverage Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total New graduates   Number of people 88 104 117 117 127
Breakdown Male 46 49 63 65 70
Female 42 55 54 52 57
Mid-career   80 113 61 51 56
Breakdown Male 60 52 36 22 36
Female 20 61 25 29 20
Nichirei holding company New graduates   0 4 4 5 8
Breakdown Male 0 4 3 3 3
Female 0 0 1 2 5
Mid-career   2 37 5 9 5
Breakdown Male 2 5 2 3 2
Female 0 32 3 6 3
Nichirei Foods New graduates   31 33 37 36 41
Breakdown Male 20 14 19 19 21
Female 11 19 18 17 20
Mid-career   13 16 28 21 29
Breakdown Male 6 11 16 11 24
Female 7 5 12 10 5
Nichirei Fresh New graduates   10 9 11 8 6
Breakdown Male 6 6 6 5 3
Female 4 3 5 3 3
Mid-career   5 11 3 4 5
Breakdown Male 1 2 0 0 0
Female 4 9 3 4 5
Nichirei Logistics Group New graduates   42 50 58 66 72
Breakdown Male 19 22 32 36 43
Female 23 28 26 30 29
Mid-career   60 46 25 17 15
Breakdown Male 51 31 18 8 8
Female 9 15 7 9 7
Nichirei Biosciences New graduates   5 8 7 2 0
Breakdown Male 1 3 3 2 0
Female 4 5 4 0 0
Mid-career   0 3 0 0 2
Breakdown Male 0 3 0 0 2
Female 0 0 0 0 0
  • *Applicability: Employees
Number of Resignations/Resignation Rate/Reasons for Resignation
Coverage Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Number of Resignations Number of people 146 159 141 121 156
Breakdown by reason Retirement 64 65 59 45 49
Personal circumstances 74 84 63 72 98
Company circumstances 0 0 0 0 1
Others 8 10 19 4 8
Resignation rate 2.1% 2.4% 2.1% 1.9% 2.6%
Employee turnover rate (for personal reasons) 2.1% 1.6% 1.8% 2.4%
Nichirei holding company Number of Resignations 12 10 12 7 7
Breakdown by reason Retirement 6 3 5 2 4
Personal circumstances 5 6 5 4 3
Company circumstances 0 0 0 0 0
Others 1 1 2 1 0
Resignation rate 3.0% 3.1% 3.1% 2.2% 1.3%
Employee turnover rate (for personal reasons) 2.7% 2.2% 1.7% 1.3%
Nichirei Foods Number of Resignations 57 59 50 50 47
Breakdown by reason Retirement 30 29 21 20 17
Personal circumstances 26 26 24 29 29
Company circumstances 0 0 0 0 0
Others 1 4 5 1 1
Resignation rate 1.7% 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 1.9%
Employee turnover rate (for personal reasons) 1.7% 1.5% 1.9% 1.8%
Nichirei Fresh Number of Resignations 14 9 13 6 14
Breakdown by reason Retirement 7 4 3 3 3
Personal circumstances 4 5 5 2 9
Company circumstances 0 0 0 0 0
Others 3 0 5 1 2
Resignation rate 2.7% 1.8% 3.6% 1.1% 4.1%
Employee turnover rate (for personal reasons) 1.8% 1.8% 0.7% 3.4%
Nichirei Logistics Group Number of Resignations 60 74 63 49 82
Breakdown by reason Retirement 21 29 29 17 23
Personal circumstances 36 41 27 31 53
Company circumstances 0 0 0 0 1
Others 3 4 7 1 5
Resignation rate 2.3% 2.5% 1.9% 1.8% 3.1%
Employee turnover rate (for personal reasons) 2.3% 1.5% 1.7% 2.8%
Nichirei Biosciences Number of Resignations 3 7 3 9 6
Breakdown by reason Retirement 0 0 1 3 2
Personal circumstances 3 6 2 6 4
Company circumstances 0 0 0 0 0
Others 0 1 0 0 0
Resignation rate 3.6% 8.1% 2.2% 6.7% 5.8%
Employee turnover rate (for personal reasons) 7.0% 2.2% 6.7% 5.8%
  • *Applicability: Employees
  • *The turnover rate is calculated based on employees who resigned excluding retired employees
  • *"Others" includes appointed executives who resigned
Number of Employees Rehired After Retirement
Coverage Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Number
59 57 51 36 42
Nichirei holding company 5 3 5 2 5
Nichirei Foods 28 25 16 17 14
Nichirei Fresh 7 3 3 1 2
Nichirei Logistics Group 19 26 26 14 21
Nichirei Biosciences 0 0 1 2 0
Ref. Number of employees who retired group total 64 65 59 45 49
  • *Number of people rehired among employees who retired in each fiscal year
  • *Rehired nearly 100% of those who wanted to be rehired
Employment Rate of People with Disabilities
Coverage Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total % 2.56 2.75 2.80 2.80 2.73
  • *Legal employment rate of 2.3%.
  • *Applicable scope: Nichirei Aura (special subsidiary) Group applied company
  • *Group applied companies (FY2023): Nichirei, Nichirei Foods, Nichirei Fresh, Nichirei Logistics Group, Nichirei Biosciences, Logistics Network, Nichirei Logistics Kanto, Nichirei Logistics Engineering, Tokyo Nichirei Services, Nichirei Aura
Pay Gap between Male and Female Employees
Coverage Unit FY2023
All employees Regular employees Non-regular employees
Nichirei holding company % 69.3 72.1 43.6
Nichirei Foods Inc. 60.5 73.4 76.5
Nichirei Fresh Inc. 74.0 75.4 101.0
Nichirei Logistics Group Inc. 79.7 80.2
Nichirei Biosciences Inc. 63.5 86.2 63.4
  • *Calculated in accordance with regulations of Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No. 64, 2015)
Annual Total of Actual Hours Worked
Coverage Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Total hours 1,997 1,977 1,975 1,993 1,989
Official working hours-Hours of vacation time 1,780 1,758 1,767 1,759 1,738
Hours worked outside official working hours 217 219 208 234 251
Nichirei holding company Total 1,905 1,899 1,949 2,004 2,001
Official working hours-Hours of vacation time 1,718 1,724 1,754 1,762 1,743
Hours worked outside official working hours 187 175 196 242 258
Nichirei Foods Total 1,998 2,005 2,011 2,018 2,004
Official working hours-Hours of vacation time 1,772 1,758 1,768 1,757 1,735
Hours worked outside official working hours 226 247 243 261 269
Nichirei Fresh Total 1,948 1,948 1,929 1,994 2,009
Official working hours-Hours of vacation time 1,770 1,754 1,759 1,765 1,751
Hours worked outside official working hours 178 194 170 229 258
Nichirei Logistics Group Total 2,014 1,970 1,958 1,972 1,975
Official working hours-Hours of vacation time 1,796 1,763 1,771 1,760 1,739
Hours worked outside official working hours 218 207 187 212 236
Nichirei Biosciences Total 1,954 1,882 1,901 1,971 1,961
Official working hours-Hours of vacation time 1,736 1,716 1,754 1,768 1,731
Hours worked outside official working hours 218 166 148 203 230
  • *Average number of hours worked per employee annually
  • *Applicability: Employees
Annual Paid Vacation: Average Number of Days and Acquisition Rate
Coverage Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Average days acquired Days 8.0 10.2 11.0 12.5 13.8
Acquisition rate % 41.8 53.4 59.7 65.6 72.2
Nichirei holding company Average days acquired Days 15.1 14.8 13.2 13.1 14.0
Acquisition rate % 78.0 77.1 71.7 68.6 73.6
Nichirei Foods Average days acquired Days 8.3 10.2 10.8 13.3 14.4
Acquisition rate % 42.7 52.4 57.2 69.1 75.0
Nichirei Fresh Average days acquired Days 9.9 11.6 12.6 13.0 13.7
Acquisition rate % 51.9 60.9 69.2 68.5 71.3
Nichirei Logistics Group Average days acquired Days 6.5 9.3 10.6 11.7 13.1
Acquisition rate % 34.6 49.3 58.7 61.8 68.9
Nichirei Biosciences Average days acquired Days 12.5 14.2 11.7 12.1 14.6
Acquisition rate % 69.0 79.4 69.3 65.7 77.2
  • *Applicability: Employees
  • *Acquisition rate = Days acquired ÷ Number of days granted (excluding carry over days)
  • *Other special holidays (summer vacation) averaged 2.5 days per employee (FY2023).
Number of Employees Taking Time Off in Order to Volunteer
Coverage Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Number of people 0 0 1 1 0
Employees Using Time Off for Childrearing
Coverage Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Male Number of people 1 2 2 9 59
Female 42 48 31 36 38
Nichirei holding company Male 0 1 0 1 1
Female 2 6 3 4 2
Nichirei Foods Male 1 1 1 1 24
Female 14 17 14 12 12
Nichirei Fresh Male 0 0 1 2 6
Female 2 1 2 3 5
Nichirei Logistics Group Male 0 0 0 5 25
Female 20 22 11 16 17
Nichirei Biosciences Male 0 0 0 0 3
Female 4 2 1 1 2
  • *Applicability: Employees(includes full-time employees)
  • *Includes employees taking maternity leave
  • *From FY2023, includes employees taking childcare-related leave
Percentage of Male Employees Taking Childcare Leave
Coverage Unit FY2023
Nichirei holding company % 100
Nichirei Foods Inc. 64.9
Nichirei Fresh Inc. 100
Nichirei Logistics Group Inc.
Nichirei Biosciences Inc. 75.0
  • *In accordance with regulations of Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members (Act No.76, 1991), calculated the percentage of childcare leave, etc. and leave for childcare purposes taken In Article 71-4, Item 2 of Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members (Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor No. 25, 1991).
Employees Using Time Off for Caregiving
Coverage Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Number of people 3 2 2 3 2
Nichirei holding company 0 0 0 0 0
Nichirei Foods 3 2 1 2 1
Nichirei Fresh 0 0 0 0 0
Nichirei Logistics Group 0 0 1 1 1
Nichirei Biosciences 0 0 0 0 0
  • *Applicability: Employees(includes full-time employees)
Number of Work-Related Accidents at Food Plants
Coverage Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Food Plants Number of lost time injuries*1 Case 34 29 20 21 26
Number of days of inactivity 11 16 19 19 33
Lost time injury frequency rate*2 5 6.2
Lost time injury intensity rate*3 0.09 0.11
  • *Scope of applicability: Employees at Nichirei Foods-owned plants and subsidiary of Nichirei Fresh in Japan
  • *Incudes contract employees, fixed-term employees and part-time employees
  • *1Number of fatalities and injuries due to work-related accidents (number of people who lost at least one day of work)
  • *2Number of fatalities and injuries due to work-related accidents per 1,000,000 total actual working hours
  • *3Total number of lost workdays per 1,000 total actual working hours
Number of Occupational Deaths
Coverage Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total Regular employees Case 1 0 0 0 0
Non-employees (including temporary employees, contract employees,
part-time workers, etc. & excepting agency temps)
0 0 0 0 0
General Regular Health Checkup Rate
Coverage Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei holding company 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Foods 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Fresh 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Logistics Group Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Biosciences 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Logistics Hokkaido, Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Logistics Tohoku, Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Logistics Kanto, Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
Kyokurei Inc 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Logistics Tokai, Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Logistics Kansai, Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Logistics Chushikoku, Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Logistics Kyushu, Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
NK Trans Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
Logistics Network Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
Nichirei Logistics Engineering Inc. 100 100 100 100 100
  • *Covered employees insured by the Nichirei Health Care Association
    (Employees who joined the company on or after April 2 of the current fiscal year, employees working overseas, employees on secondment in Japan, employees on leave, and employees receiving pre-employment medical examinations are excluded from the population).
Stress Check Coverage
Coverage Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total % 90.1 89.6 90.8 90.1 90.1
New Graduate Hire Turnover Status
Coverage Item Turnover (number of people) Turnover rate (%) Number of hires
Nichirei Group total Joined Company in FY2019 End of first year 2 2.3% 88
End of second year 5 5.7%
End of third year 11 12.5%
Joined Company in FY2020 End of first year 1 1.0% 104
End of second year 5 4.8%
End of third year 9 8.7%
Joined Company in FY2021 End of first year 3 2.6% 118
End of second year 8 6.8%
End of third year 17 14.4%
Joined Company in FY2022 End of first year 2 1.7% 117
End of second year 7 6.0%
End of third year
Joined Company in FY2023 End of first year 4 3.1% 127
End of second year
End of third year
Nichirei holding company Joined Company in FY2019 End of first year 0 0.0% 0
End of second year 0 0.0%
End of third year 0 0.0%
Joined Company in FY2020 End of first year 0 0.0% 4
End of second year 0 0.0%
End of third year 0 0.0%
Joined Company in FY2021 End of first year 0 0.0% 4
End of second year 0 0.0%
End of third year 0 0.0%
Joined Company in FY2022 End of first year 0 0.0% 5
End of second year 0 0.0%
End of third year
Joined Company in FY2023 End of first year 0 0.0% 8
End of second year
End of third year
Nichirei Foods Joined Company in FY2019 End of first year 1 3.2% 31
End of second year 2 6.5%
End of third year 5 16.1%
Joined Company in FY2020 End of first year 0 0.0% 33
End of second year 2 6.1%
End of third year 4 12.1%
Joined Company in FY2021 End of first year 2 5.4% 37
End of second year 4 10.8%
End of third year 5 13.5%
Joined Company in FY2022 End of first year 1 2.8% 36
End of second year 1 2.8%
End of third year
Joined Company in FY2023 End of first year 2 4.9% 41
End of second year
End of third year
Nichirei Fresh Joined Company in FY2019 End of first year 0 0.0% 10
End of second year 0 0.0%
End of third year 0 0.0%
Joined Company in FY2020 End of first year 0 0.0% 9
End of second year 2 22.2%
End of third year 2 22.2%
Joined Company in FY2021 End of first year 0 0.0% 11
End of second year 0 0.0%
End of third year 3 27.3%
Joined Company in FY2022 End of first year 0 0.0% 8
End of second year 0 0.0%
End of third year
Joined Company in FY2023 End of first year 0 0.0% 6
End of second year
End of third year
Nichirei Logistics Group Joined Company in FY2019 End of first year 1 2.4% 42
End of second year 2 4.8%
End of third year 4 9.5%
Joined Company in FY2020 End of first year 1 2.0% 50
End of second year 1 2.0%
End of third year 3 6.0%
Joined Company in FY2021 End of first year 1 1.7% 59
End of second year 3 5.1%
End of third year 8 13.6%
Joined Company in FY2022 End of first year 1 1.5% 66
End of second year 6 9.1%
End of third year
Joined Company in FY2023 End of first year 2 2.8% 72
End of second year
End of third year
Nichirei Biosciences Joined Company in FY2019 End of first year 0 0.0% 5
End of second year 1 20.0%
End of third year 2 40.0%
Joined Company in FY2020 End of first year 0 0.0% 8
End of second year 0 0.0%
End of third year 0 0.0%
Joined Company in FY2021 End of first year 0 0.0% 7
End of second year 1 14.3%
End of third year 1 14.3%
Joined Company in FY2022 End of first year 0 0.0% 2
End of second year 0 0.0%
End of third year
Joined Company in FY2023 End of first year 0 0.0% 0
End of second year
End of third year
  • *Applicability: Employees
Nichirei Group Main Education and Training
  General employees Managers Officers
Training by rank -New employees training
-1st to 3rd year employees follow-up training
-Mid-career employees training
-New managers training
-Next-generation executives training course
-Management training
-New officers seminar
-Media training
-Director training
-Executive officers training
-Management training
-Coaching training
Training by purpose -Facilitation training
-Career seminar for female employees
-Female leaders development program
-Coaching training
-Foreign Languages training
-Evaluators training
-Critical thinking
Nichirei Group Education Time and Number of Participants
Training by rank and purpose Education time (cumulative total) Number of participants (cumulative total)
FY2019 49,610 1,711
FY2020 46,927 1,614
FY2021 36,376 1,509
FY2022 58,037 2,650
FY2023 74,183 4,503
Total 265,133 11,987
  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of Subjects Number of People Implementation Rate Number of Subjects Number of People Implementation Rate Number of Subjects Number of People Implementation Rate Number of Subjects Number of People Implementation Rate Number of Subjects Number of People Implementation Rate
E Environment 5,234 5,016 95.8% 5,396 5,035 93.3% 5,835 5,667 97.1%
S SDGs 5,659 5,304 93.7% 5,780 5,066 87.6% 5,753 5,398 93.8%
Business and Human Rights 5,738 5,385 93.9%
Ensuring Food Quality Hygiene and Safety 5,619 5,302 94.4% 5,771 5,230 90.6% 5,792 5,373 92.8%
Quality Assurance 5,308 5,178 97.6% 5,403 5,032 93.1%
Intellectual Property 5,308 5,037 94.9% 5,357 5,050 94.3% 5,659 5,324 94.1% 5,786 5,318 91.9% 5,739 5,088 88.7%
Personal Information Protection Law 5,311 4,973 93.6% 5,381 5,121 95.2% 5,645 5,347 94.7% 5,763 5,293 91.8% 5,806 5,448 93.8%
Information Security 5,214 5,115 98.1% 5,362 4,993 93.1% 5,595 5,352 95.7% 5,725 5,477 95.7% 5,788 5,243 90.6%
Harassment 5,356 5,166 96.5% 5,367 5,008 93.3% 5,680 5,421 95.4% 5,765 5,350 92.8% 5,835 5,656 96.9%
Working Hours 5,381 5,101 94.8% 5,645 5,363 95.0% 5,763 5,371 93.2% 5,835 5,572 95.5%
Health Literacy 5,320 4,988 93.8% 5,403 5,047 93.4% 5,681 5,409 95.2% 5,778 5,310 91.9% 5,835 5,557 95.2%
Stress Check 5,358 4,948 93.1%
Health Information 5,649 5,371 95.1%
G Compliance 5,771 5,252 91.0% 5,792 5,395 93.1%
Internal Control 5,247 5,080 96.8% 5,435 5,088 93.6% 5,643 5,247 93.0% 5,750 5,281 91.8% 5,779 5,248 90.8%
Whistleblower and Consultation System 5,256 4,901 93.2% 5,471 4,862 88.9% 5,618 5,282 94.0%
Competition Law Compliance and Anti-bribery 5,308 5,005 94.3% 5,357 5,057 94.4% 5,786 5,276 91.2% 5,820 5,275 90.6%
Anti-bribery 5,655 5,228 92.4%
Insider 5,358 4,904 91.5% 5,649 5,361 94.9% 5,757 5,216 90.6% 5,806 5,487 94.5%
Retirement benefit plans 3,873 3,569 92.2% 3,963 3,768 95.1%
Quality Assurance (number of audits, certifications, and training hours)
    Department in Charge FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
      Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas
Quality Assurance Audits Number of Factory/Site Audits Quality Assurance Department 67 38 52 20 40 10 46 16 64 23
Nichirei Foods Nichirei Foods Quality Assurance Department 26 20 6 5 16 6 5 5 13 7
Nichirei Logistics Group Nichirei Logistics Group Quality and Safety Management Department 24 0 34 19 26 0 29
Nichirei Fresh Nichirei Fresh Quality Assurance Department 10 17 9 15 5 4 15 11 18 16
Nichirei Bioscience Nichirei Bioscience Quality Assurance Department 7 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
Group Implementation Rate (vs. plan) (Office coverage)  Quality Assurance Department 99%
of the plan

*One BIO case was delayed from November to April of the following year due to a manufacturing delay.

of the plan
of the plan
of the plan
of the plan
of the plan
of the plan
of the plan
of the plan
of the plan
Group Implementation Rate (Actual number) (Office coverage)  Quality Assurance Department 18%
Nichirei Foods Implementation Rate Nichirei Foods Quality Assurance Department 100%
(16/38)/52 (6/20)/43 (5/25)/55 (5/17)/42 (13/13)/15 (7/7)/12
Nichirei Logistics Group Implementation Rate Nichirei Logistics Group Quality and Safety Management Department 100%
(19/19)/117 (26/26)/117 (29/35)/119
Nichirei Fresh Implementation Rate Nichirei Fresh Quality Assurance Department 100%
(5/8)/127 (4/14)/126 (15/17)/123 (11/16)/131 (18/20)/120 (16/25)/119
Nichirei Bioscience Implementation Rate Nichirei Bioscience Quality Assurance Department 75%
(0/4)/9 (0/2)/3 (0/2)/4 (0/0)/3 (3/3)/4 (0/0)/3
Quality Assurance Related Data
Number of certifications as of the end of March of each fiscal year
Number of Offices Acquired/Number of Offices of Consolidated Subsidiaries in Japan
(Food Hygiene Management System) 
Nichirei Foods   14/15 14/15 15/15
Nichirei Fresh   7/7 7/7 7/7
Number of ISO9001 Certifications Number of Group Certifications Quality Assurance Department 114/139 3/5 89/138 3/5 91/140 2/5 94/140 2/5 90/142 2/6
Nichirei Foods Nichirei Foods Quality Assurance Department 3/15 3/5 3/15 3/5 3/15 2/5 3/15 2/5 0/15 2/6
Nichirei Logistics Group Nichirei Logistics Group Quality and Safety Management Department 104/116 81/115 83 /117 86/117 85/119
Nichirei Fresh Nichirei Fresh Quality Assurance Department 7/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8
Nichirei Bioscience Nichirei Bioscience Quality Assurance Department
ISO14001 and ISO13485 Certifications  Number of Group Certifications Quality Assurance Department 12 3 13 2 13 3 12/17 (71%) 6/6 (100%) 9/17 (53%) 3/7 (43%)
Nichirei Foods Nichirei Foods Quality Assurance Department 11/15 (73%) 2/5 (40%) 11/15 (73%) 2/5 (40%) 11/15 (73%) 2/5 (40%) 10/15 (67%) 5/5 (100%) 7/15 (47%) 2/6 (33%)
Nichirei Logistics Group Nichirei Logistics Group Quality and Safety Management Department
Nichirei Fresh Nichirei Fresh Quality Assurance Department
Nichirei Bioscience Nichirei Bioscience Quality Assurance Department 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 14000: 0/1 (0%)
13485: 2/2 (100%)
2/2 (100%) 1/1 (100%) 2/2 (100%) 1/1 (100%) 2/2 (100%) 1/1 (100%)
Number of SQF Certifications
Number of Group Certifications Quality Assurance Department 22/139 4/5 23/137 4/5 23/139 6/6 24/139 6/6 24/141 7/7
Nichirei Foods Nichirei Foods Quality Assurance Department 14/15 4/5 14/15 4/5 14/15 5/5 15/15 5/5 15/15 6/6
Nichirei Logistics Group Nichirei Logistics Group Quality and Safety Management Department 2/116 2/115 2/117 2/117 2/119
Nichirei Fresh Nichirei Fresh Quality Assurance Department 6/8 7/7 7/7 1/1 7/7 1/1 7/7 1/1
Nichirei Bioscience Nichirei Bioscience Quality Assurance Department
Quality Assurance – Number of Critical Cases Group Annual Number Quality Assurance Department 0 0 2 1
Nichirei Foods Nichirei Foods Quality Assurance Department 0 0 0 1
Nichirei Logistics Group Nichirei Logistics Group Quality and Safety Management Department 0 0 0 0
Nichirei Fresh Nichirei Fresh Quality Assurance Department 0 0 1 0
Nichirei Bioscience Nichirei Bioscience Quality Assurance Department 0 0 1 0
Quality Assurance Training Hours Group Annual Hours Quality Assurance Department 210 19 221.5 10 455.5 21 790 25 635 32
Nichirei Foods Nichirei Foods Quality Assurance Department 42.5 19 42.5 10 24 21 24 25 18 32
Nichirei Logistics Group Nichirei Logistics Group Quality and Safety Management Department 77 0 77 0 334 678 555.8 0
Nichirei Fresh Nichirei Fresh Quality Assurance Department 26.5 0 38 0 40 0 30 0 28 0
Nichirei Bioscience Nichirei Bioscience Quality Assurance Department 64 0 64 0 57.5 0 58 0 33 0
Number of Major Meetings and Committee Meetings as well as Attendance Rates
Group Quality Assurance Committee Quality Assurance Department Quality Assurance Department (1st meeting)
(2nd meeting)
(1st meeting)
(2nd meeting)
(1st meeting)
(2nd meeting)
(1st meeting)
(2nd meeting)
(1st meeting)
(2nd meeting)
  • *From FY2022, the number of quality assurance critical cases is based on the number of open recalls.
Percentage of Receiving a Full Medical Examination after Periodic Health Checkups
Coverage Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total 12.3 17.5 66.1 70.1 65.0
Donations to Non-profit Organizations
Donations to Non-profit Organizations(Millions of yen) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas
Social welfare and disaster support
(Social welfare, social inclusion)
19 19 20 18 41 0
Social welfare and disaster support
(Support for disaster-stricken areas)
14 0 16 0 2 0 4 0 1 20
(Academia & research)
15 10 8 6 5 0
(Education and social education)
82 77 67 57 74 0
Health, sports and the arts
(Health, medicine, sports)
133 138 134 134 142 0
Health, sports and the arts
(Culture and arts)
0 0 0 0 0 0
Environmental conservation
17 50 57 59 83 0
Community contribution(Community activities, preservation of historic sites and traditional culture) 24 19 48 67 61 0
Political contributions
(Lobbying activities)
0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 3 2 2 2 2 0
Nichirei Group total 306 0 330 0 338 0 347 409 20
Health Manager
Coverage Item Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total First-Class Health Manager Number of people 89 78 122
Second-Class Health Manager Number of people 11 11 15
Total Number of people 100 89 137
Personal Information Protection Leaks, etc.
  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total 0 0 0 1 4
Number of Violations of Laws and Regulations in Advertisements/Publicity and Labeling
  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nichirei Group total 0 0 0 0 3
Nicihrei Corporation, Strategic Planning, Nichirei Corporation, Quality Assurance Division, Nichirei Corporation, Technology Management, Nichirei Corporation, Corporate Internal Audit, Nichirei Corporation, Corporate Supervise, Nichirei Corporation, Legal Affairs, Nichirei Corporation, Human Resources Strategy & General Affairs, Nichirei Corporation, Finance & Investor Relations, Nichirei Corporation, Accounting & Tax, Nichirei Corporation, Group Communication, Nichirei Foods Inc., Nichirei Fresh Inc., Nichirei Logistics Group Inc., Nichirei Biosciences Inc., Hitachi Foods & Logistics Systems,Inc., NIchirei Bisiness Partners .inc

Corporate Governance Data

Note: Fiscal years (FY) indicate years ended March 31.

Board of Directors Composition
Category Gender Number of people
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Inside directors Male 7 7 7 7 6
Female 0 0 0 0 0
Total 7 7 7 7 6
Outside directors Male 1 1 1 1 2
Female 2 2 2 3 2
Total 3 3 3 4 4
Total Male 8 8 8 8 8
Female 2 2 2 3 2
Total 10 10 10 11 10
Board of Directors Meeting Attendance Rate
Category FY2019 (%) FY2020 (%) FY2021 (%) FY2022 (%) FY2023 (%)
Inside directors 97.4 100 100 97.6 100
Outside directors 98.2 94.4 100 100 98.7
Number of Meetings of Various Committees, etc.
  Number of Meetings Held
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Board of Directors Meets regularly on the third Tuesday of each month 19 18 18 19 19
Management Committee Meets regularly on Tuesdays except for the third Tuesday of each month 23 20 17 23 25
Group Human Resources Committee Convened twice a year and at other times as needed by the chairperson of the committee 2 2 2 2 2
Group Risk Management Committee Convened twice a year and at other times as needed by the chairperson of the committee 2 2 2 2 2
Group Environmental Protection Committee Convened twice a year and at other times as needed by the chairperson of the committee 3 2 2 2
Group Supply Chain Committee Convened once a year, and as needed, convened by the chairperson 1
Group Sustainability Committee Convened three times a year, and as needed, convened by the chairperson 4
Group Quality Assurance Committee Convened twice a year and at other times as needed by the chairperson of the committee 2 2 2 2 2
Group Internal Control Committee Convened once a year, and as needed, convened by the chairperson 1 1 1 1 1
Group Officer Examination Committee Chairperson convenes as needed 1 1 1 0
Social Action Program Committee Convened once a year, and as needed, convened by the chairperson 1 1 1 1 1
Nominating Advisory Committee Convened twice a year and at other times as needed by the chairperson of the committee 2 2 5 6 8
Remuneration Advisory Committee*2 Convened twice a year and at other times as needed by the chairperson of the committee 6 3 5 6*1 5
Examination Committee Chairperson convenes as needed 1 2 0 0
Intellectual Property Management Committee Chairperson convenes as needed 0 0
  • *1Includes 6th meeting in writing.
  • *2As of January 2020, meets twice a year in principle according to the Remuneration Advisory Committee rules
Number of Meetings of Various Committees, etc., and Number of Board Members in Attendance
Classification Name Board of Directors Meeting Attendance Nominating Advisory Committee Meeting Attendance Remuneration Advisory Committee Meeting Attendance Audit & Supervisory Board  Meeting Attendance
Directors ⼤櫛 顕也 19/19 8/8 5/5  
梅澤 一彦 19/19      
竹永 雅彦 19/19      
田邉 弥 19/19      
鈴木 健二 15/15*1      
髙久 祐一 *2      
昌子 久仁子 19/19 8/8 5/5  
鍋嶋 麻奈 19/19 8/8 5/5  
濱 逸夫 14/15*1 6/6*1 3/3*1  
濱島 健爾 15/15*1 6/6*1 3/3*1  
Audit &
Board Members
加藤 達志 19/19     16/16
片渕 哲郎 15/15*1     11/11*1
齊藤 雄彦 19/19     16/16
朝比奈 清 19/19     16/16
清田 宗明 19/19     16/16
  • *1Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Hama, Mr.Hamashima and Mr. Katabuchi were newly appointed at the 104th General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 24, 2022. Their attendance reflects each meeting held after that date.
  • *2As Mr. Takaku was newly appointed a the 105th General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 27, 2023, their attendance for FY2023 is not presented.
Facilities Audits of Compliance Audits and Internal Controls
    Department in charge FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Remarks
      Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas  
Communication with all employees on governance and internal controls
Number of training/seminars conducted (including e-learning) Corporate Audit Department 1   1   1   1 1 2 1  
Participation ratio (% of all employees covered) Corporate Audit Department 96.8%   93.6%   94.0%   91.8% 100% 90.8% 100% Overseas includes only those stationed abroad
Governance Management
Internal audit Number of Group audits per year (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 301 16 285 8 222 0 272 0 310 7 Compliance and facilities combined
Group annual implementation rate (office coverage rate domestic/overseas) Corporate Audit Department 82% 36% 73% 19% 58% 0% 69% 0% 78% 15% Compliance and facilities combined
Compliance audits Number of Group audits per year (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 181 8 162 4 152 0 162 0 188 3 Compliance only (the number of Group annual audits and the Group annual implementation rate includes corporate departments)
Group annual implementation rate (office coverage rate domestic/overseas) Corporate Audit Department 74% 31% 66% 17% 61% 0% 62% 0% 72% 12%
Nichirei Foods (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 74% 8% 88% 40% 75% 0% 68% 0% 91% 10%
Nichirei Logistics Group (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 68% 70% 59% 0% 49% 0% 51% 0% 55% 0%
Nichirei Fresh (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 100% 0 100% 0 88% 0% 76% 0% 97% 25%
Nichirei Bioscience (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 100% 0 0 0 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 100%
Facilities audit Number of Group audits per year (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 120 8 123 4 70 0 110 0 122 4 Facilities only (the number of Group annual audits and the Group annual implementation rate includes corporate departments)
Group annual implementation rate (office coverage rate domestic/overseas) Corporate Audit Department 87% 42% 87% 22% 51% 0% 82% 0% 90% 19%
Nichirei Foods (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 100% 17% 94% 33% 82% 0% 94% 0% 100% 50%
Nichirei Logistics Group (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 85% 58% 87% 14% 43% 0% 79% 0% 88% 0%
Nichirei Fresh (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 100% 0 100% 0 89% 0% 89% 0% 100% 100%
Nichirei Bioscience (Domestic/Overseas) Corporate Audit Department 0% 100% 0 100% 0% 100% 100%
Number of major meetings and committees held and the attendance rate
Percentage of directors attending each committee meeting (10 individuals) Group Internal Control Committee Corporate Audit Department 90% 100% 100% 100% 100%  
Number of Whistleblowing Cases, by Type
  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Mistreatment 6 2 2 0 1
Workplace Disputes 2 5 8 2 8
Harassment 1 12 10 3 11
Compliance-related Breaches 1 1 5 11 4
Human rights issues 0 0 0 0 0
Other Consultations 2 1 2 4 2
Total 12 21 27 20 26
Anti-corruption and Bribery
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Punished employees None None None None
Payment of fines None None None None
Nicihrei Corporation, Strategic Planning, Nichirei Corporation, Quality Assurance Division, Nichirei Corporation, Technology Management, Nichirei Corporation, Corporate Internal Audit, Nichirei Corporation, Corporate Supervise, Nichirei Corporation, Legal Affairs, Nichirei Corporation, Human Resources Strategy & General Affairs, Nichirei Corporation, Finance & Investor Relations, Nichirei Corporation, Accounting & Tax, Nichirei Corporation, Group Communication, Nichirei Foods Inc., Nichirei Fresh Inc., Nichirei Logistics Group Inc., Nichirei Biosciences Inc., Hitachi Foods & Logistics Systems,Inc., NIchirei Bisiness Partners .inc